Saturday, June 29, 2013

I am going on an adventure!


As you all probably know by now. I am going on an adventure. I am leaving the country on July 30th to teach at the Escuela Las Morochas in Ciudad Ojeda of Venezuela. Which prompted me to resurrect this tired old blog. I am hoping to keep a record of my journey here not only as a personal keepsake for the memories but also as a way to keep in touch with friends and family. Though if you know me, I tend to ramble so I am sure these posts will be chock full of random theories, weird quotes, daily musings, and the stuff that  makes people in conversations kind of tilt there head slightly look at you with a tiny bit of worry and just go "huh..." For now though I am still in the process of saying good bye to friends and gathering stuff together to bring down there. This contract is for a minimum of one school year but can be extended indefinitely as long as the country stands. 

I hope to talk about:
The experience of it all
How I ended up finding this job
Why james hasselman is the most underrated zombie suvivalist group member I know on the planet.
and so so much more


But regardless of everything.
I had a weird experience the other day talking to a friend of mine. We just couldn't match up time schedules to see each other. Finally, he shrugged it off and said, "Well, whatever, next time." And we both kind of paused, the feelings sort of lingered, in that moment we both kind of realized a new thing that we took for granted. There might not be a next time. And I'm not trying to scare anyone, I fully intend on coming back to the U.S. specially for some holidays and over the summer but I am not sure how long this is experience to last. The way I see it, there is three options that I'm willing to entertain for the end of next year. 1) I love it, love the school, love the country, stay on for another year. 2) I like it, hate the school, love the country or culture, go find another school around the area or in another country and keep going around. or finally 3) I hate everything, I'm a spoiled pampered brat and I come home after one year and sulk, lick my wounds, and say that was a failed experiment. As long as I'm not bitten by a banana spider (more of those later), kidnapped, or I don't succumb to the heat, I really doubt scenario three will happen. I just want to use the time we have left, I leave one month from tomorrow. I value the friends I've made and wish that life could have us all work together, live together, be together always but sadly it's not the trend. I will miss all of you, but missing is for after the fact and enjoying is for now. So let's see each other. Mark your calendars for the goodbye celebration July 26/27th. Not sure where but we'll make it happen.

FINALLY, a thing many of you don't know is that in my spare time, I work on music with the very talented, very beautiful man Angel Ramos of The Elevated. And many of our friends (Kevin O'toole, Peter Goebel, Keith Wadsworth, Mike Taylor, Meghan Leigh). As a hobby and something that we love to do. I remember we got to a point in working where we asked the question: What is the point of music if people don't hear it? It's kind of a selfish thing. So with that in mind we have decided to release a collaboration mini-album of what we've been doing. Part spoken word, part soft rock. You can give it a listen, all songs are free to download because we want anyone who wants to enjoy them to be able to, there is also a donation link if anyone wants to monetarily support our ventures. Despite that I am going to Venezuela we plan to keep working together. If anyone has some feedback please e-mail me about it, I love making music so I am always looking for constructive criticism.  LINK to music and such.

So if you are interested you can subscribe if not you can drop in. I won't be blasting this on facebook because, quite frankly, I think I did that enough over the past 6 months with fund raising. So cheers, I hope to see people before I leave and I hope you come along virtually for the adventure.