Sunday, January 9, 2011

oh yes I forgot

PS Adventure Juice studios may just be back in action.

(Nothing to do with CC contest though)

Things are going slowly

Hey all,

Recovery is going well, I get to use a cane to stabilize myself which gives me a very teacher-esque persona (oh and it makes me look awesomely cool). Which is a good thing becausssssse I am a substitute teacher. Speaking on the subject I have been given a couple of options for my future in terms of jobs in the past week I don't want to talk about them too much for fear of jinxing the possibilities but I will post on here when something... anything is confirmed. I have not officially started the diet yet but I have been checking calories and devising a suitable plan, I probably won't start that until I get back to running in 5-7 weeks. My goals are broad street in may and marathon next November and then I don't know.

Going to physical therapy, twice a week. It feels good to be back in a gym after so long.

I'm scared for the first day back when I put my running shoes on.

Catch you all later.

God I wish I had more time for Minecraft and Reach

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


It's a lot quicker than you think.

sorry for tweet-esque post, started a long term sub job and things are moving.