Tuesday, August 31, 2010

If you can meet with triumph and disaster...

Sadly this will probably be my second to last post on here. I didn't make it to the semi-final round of the Hide A Case challenge. Thanks for all the support, I enjoyed receiving the texts and e-mails. I wish this wasn't the end since I had a lot of fun posting on this blog and interacting with everyone. My final post will be of the video that was submitted to the contest. I think it was a stronger candidate than the ones they have up there but you all can be the judge.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Canadian Club Hide a Case Contest: Sean Harvey Trailer

Finally! The long awaited preview. I hope you all like it and VOTE! Real video (hopefully) will be on the HideACase website! 5 hour countdown STARTS NOW! GET EXCITED! JUDGEMENT DAY!

Thanks so much, everyone for everything.

Friday, August 27, 2010

60 seconds worth of distance run.

Here it is, the last post (besides preview vid post this monday!). This tuesday is judgement day. Did I make it to the final 15 Americans? Was my Video top notch? For voting I am not sure if its rating like out of ten or just saying I like this one best. I am sure they'll let me know and if they choose not to let you know I'll let you know, see the system works.

Now I know I promised myself I wouldn't write about this but people have asked and I'm not one to keep these things to myself. What will happen to all this if I didn't get to the next round of voting? I am not sure I may just dump all the footage online and be done with it unless people REALLLLLY want me to stick around. If I am too heart broken I may just hide the footage on a flash drive and put it into my pity shoe box for another day.

While winning is important to me, I only believe its worth it if I win cleanly so anyone thinking about using scripts, multiple accounts, or some sort of bot system please don't. You're not just hurting me you're hurting the entire contest. If I am meant to go then by all the official votes you guys put in I will go but that's the only way.

BUT ENOUGH OF THIS STUPID TALK, I'm not going anywhere yet and when I get to the next round you better believe this blog will keep going. If I have to post every day to get you guys to vote I will ha, but I'll probably run out of things to talk about and start dipping into random math facts and tricks... its one of those things I know about other than adventuring. I dunno what else, leave a comment or send an e-mail if you want a particular topic brought up. And if you choose not to vote even after seeing the pic below this paragraph you, have no heart.

please vote!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Competition is heating up!

Yes some of you might of guessed me being near a Jaguar cage in the last still but I refuse to give any more information out, I don't want you guessing the epic plot of this movie. You can try though in the comments section. We have less than a week left till the voting starts. I want to get something straight here. You can vote once a day till voting closes on September 30th. Let me repeat that. YOU CAN VOTE ONCE A DAY FOR A MONTH, THATS 30 FREAKIN VOTES! If someone actually did vote 30 days in a row I would like that but I understand people have lives. AND TO VOTE YOU HAVE TO BE REGISTERED AT HIDEACASE.COM Sorry I'm just getting too intense for my own good these days. Can't you feel the excitement. Anyway in other news this week to finish up the pre-voting Pete and I put together a little preview video for the movie/me doing a little bit of begging. I hope you all enjoy it since it will be the last movie before the voting rounds.

Some people have asked me what we are going to do once the voting starts in conjunction with this blog. We still have a bunch of stills and footage left over, so we're going to keep releasing it, I don't have any idea what they will be like but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. We might just do a whole montage of me with a sad face to try and guilt people into voting more, or we might put up some clips from when pete left me alone with the camera for an hour. Whatever we put up we'll try to make it funny. As long as you guys keep coming back I'll keep posting stuff about me, the contest, what me and my compadres do outside of this. Any questions about ANYTHING! comment them below or e-mail them to me and I'll get to them in my posts. Until next post!

oh PS if anyone would like to join the Facebook event just to get reminders and such click the LINK

EDIT: OH RIGHT AND AS ALWAYS!!!!!! Voting? Go register at HideACase.com Already Register? Give yourself a pat on the back… and thanks. alot.

Monday, August 23, 2010

"Adventure Juice"


Adventure Juice Is Fan-Freakin'-tastic! All the footage that we had on Adventure Juice, compiled it in all its silliness. Questions, comments, secret love notes, leave em below!

BLAH BLAH BLAH YADDA YADDA YADDA IF YOUR GOING TO VOTE please… pleasssse go to hideacase.com and register.

ONLY 7 days left 'til voting!

Friday, August 20, 2010

What's going on?

The mystery! The SUSPENSE! We are just TEN days away from seeing if I made it to the semi finals! I AM PUMPED! Hopefully when the semi finals start you will all go to vote. Before this last week starts I would just like to say thanks to everyone who stops by this mangy blog and reads my terrible half jokes and off track rants thank you so much even those who don't leave comments or e-mail me I see that you stopped by and thats support enough. There is a chance I will not make it to the next round but regardless Thank YOU ALL!

I don't want to give away any spoilers for whats in the video, as I've said before, only about four people have seen it in its entirety and that doesn't include anyone from my immediate family. This picture above and the next few will be very spoiler-ific if I say anything really in-depth about them so I'm just going to be mums about it for the most part. Can anyone guess where I am?

I forgot to thank a few people before for example Sarah Ginn's dad for lending me his adventuring hat! Thanks Ed.

I would also like to thank Andrew Riggar for those great boots.

And finally for the amazing machete Jim Conroy thank you, and thank you Mike Oppenheim for the help finding it.

On another note, obviously, I am not the only competitor in this contest so I'd like to do a shout out for a fellow blogger and adventurer trying to go on on this journey. His name is Tim he's a nice guy from Canada and his blog is top notch, his jokes are a lot better than mine. So if your interested check out his blog at LINK (http://theworldoftim.wordpress.com/)

AND AS ALWAYS!!!! if your going to vote, and I implore you to, go to HIDEACASE.COM!

You can vote for Tim as well because we are from different countries so we won't be competing against each other until we get to Tonga.

EDIT:: Video probably won't be up until monday mid day-ish maybe early afternoon, just thought you all should know.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

I've got a secret.

Besides getting ready for this contest by posting stills and vids and doing research. I've been running a good amount. That's my secret. It's my hope that the other team is lounging around sipping champagne and eating cheese steaks. I mean I was already getting ready for the Philadelphia Marathon in November but I'm gonna extend my running after thats finished. I love having something to work towards. Add some biking and swimming, possibly top it off with some logic puzzles and I think I'll be ready to go. It's great to have so much time before the actual event. Even though this post is not directly about the contest but I thought it would be good to post up something about what I'm up to and share about things I like to do. But don't tell the competition, seriously, and if you're the competition reading this… the above is a lie, I'm drinking, smoking, and being completely slothful and you should to when you move you moist don't move your arm so much, its too much work, but it sly in the wrist, why waste the calories right?

I am so excited for the adventure, but I'm also excited for the game. I'm excited to meet the team mates and the adversaries and I'm excited to see how hardcore the whole thing is, are we camping outside in tents or are we in hotel rooms sipping CC. I'm almost as excited for just the logistics of how everything is going down.

Most people who go on reality tv shows (which I'm saying this is, I still have no idea if there will be cameras there or anything) get up in everyones face and puff up their chests and usually without any stutter shout out "I'm not here to make friends!" That's just a stupid way to look at it, I hardly go into situations with the sole purpose of trying to make friends, but I don't get expressly saying I'm not trying to make friends. I'm excited to meet people in Tonga and I hope they are pleasant and we hit it off and yes if friends we become then the trip and life thereafter will be all the merrier.

Well time to go lounge around and get a cheesesteak.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What's with the name?

I've gotten a whole slew of e-mails asking why my blog is called Adventure Juice. While in the original cut of my CC tape, edited out to reach the designated length, Adventure Juice was an ongoing joke/spur of the moment prop to show how adventurous I really am. We thought it would be funny to have our own brand of juice that would scream Adventure. Instead of actually inventing anything we slapped some masking tape on my water bottle and wrote Adventure Juice! This week you will get to see the lost footage that was cut out, almost everything pertaining to adventure juice.

While, whats in the bottle is just water but can we all suspend our disbelief and rationality for a moment and believe its something more? Something that gives you that extra drive you need when you're traipsing through the forest? Something that gives you the strength to wrangle bears and just be more than you are now? Something that lets you wrestle this harsh world into submission? Some will say that Adventure Juice! is just water in a jug but I think we can all believe that it is so much more than that.

As always I will remind YOU the reader that voting starts at the end of the month(if I make it!) and you must register at HideACase.com to vote. Thanks for reading, comments about AJ (adventure juice), complaints about my caveman-esque look? love of my juice of plain white ts? or anything really just leave em below I'd love to hear from you guys.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Blooper Reel as promised

Hey Pete and Sean here.

Wanted to keep this blooper reel spoiler free so you may be wondering why Sean is jumping in place or in the woods or headed to the Span… Mexican-American border. All will come in due time. Sorry for the cursing but sometimes it just slips but we wanted this to be PG-13 so we bleeped things… it actually makes it worse sounding than it actually is. So hop off.

We hope you vote August 30th on hideacase.com (you have to register to vote so get on that)

I hope you enjoy this and if you feel so compelled comments are much appreciated below.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Who Am I?

I seem to be getting some people viewing this blog from all over the world (thank you google analytics for the data) so let me introduce myself formally. My name is Sean Harvey, I am a recent graduate from Temple University which is in a little peaceful (hardly ever violent) town called Philadelphia aka the city of brotherly love aka the place Will Smith was born in aka Killadelphia aka not little or peaceful but you have to love the good with the bad. I have my degree in secondary education mathematics so pretty much High School Math Teacher or for you people in Britain reading this College Math Teacher. I love playing music (just recently started playing the fiddle before that was the bass) I love going for runs (its a sad excuse for an addiction but its the one I got stuck with.) I'm assuming as you come back (hopefully) over the course of the next couple of weeks you will get to know me better I'm sure I'll let details slips as we go further in this whole blogging experience.

I'm hoping to blog about 3 times a week, I'm not going to limit myself though, but I am looking to put up two stills and a video a week since I don't wanna give away too much of whats going on until the video drops. Discovery is half the fun of these things anyway.

This weeks video is going to be a whole slew of outtakes and random stuff we caught on tape I hope you all enjoy it. Check back here monday for that. Comment if you'd like I like to know what people think of the things I do, tell me I stink, tell me I made you smile, whatever.. that last one sounded a little bit creepy.

Oh and on top of everything I'll probably include this in the rest of my posts as well. IF YOU ARE GOING TO VOTE! and I implore you to, you need to register on the contests official website. ( i know, I know, I KNOW, I KNOW!!! you're probably saying SEAN! you two faced liar this wasn't part of the deal!!! YOU NEVER SAID I'D HAVE TO DO ANYTHING TO VOTE FOR YOU! well sorry hunny the rules of engagement changed.) If you plan to vote please go to this website

and register, while the videos are not up yet and I don't even know if I've made it to the next round I think it's probably a good idea for all of you to take a moment and get this bit out of the way. Questions? Comments? Rude insults? leave em below or e-mail me. Thx for checking this out, most likely won't be back 'til monday.

EDIT: AH I totally forgot, I play videogames, love to read, and spend most of my time hanging out with family and friends since they are a big part of my life. phew for a moment I was feeling a little one dimensional.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

What are we doing here?

Good Mornin,
I was thinking last night for context sake explain more in a more in-depth way what this whole blog thing is about. I don't know how it started or even how I heard about it probably stumbled on it while getting lost in the internet, this Hide-A-Case challenge is a Canadian Club promotion which started out with a round of riddles. I am pretty obsessed with riddles so right off the bat I was hooked. Many friends and family will attest to me racking my brain over the several weeks that round 1 consisted of figuring out these riddles. There's always a certain satisfaction you get from finally figuring out a problem after putting in a lot of hard work. I was happy to make it to round 2 and immediately start brainstorming a video of why I should go on this contest. For those who don't know the final round is on a group of islands known as the Kingdom of Tonga where there will be an Amazing Race style competition between a team of 4 Canadians and a team of 4 Americans. So I'm pretty stoked, made the video (which you'll all hopefully see and vote for at the end of the month), started the blog, want to post up stills and out takes because we had way too much over flow footage. I 'm going to try and keep it all spoiler free. I'm sure more than half of you were just like tl;dr but heres some stills. Expect a video monday don't know how regularly I'll post, but I'm hoping to string together probably a video a week and a handful of pictures whenever I get the chance.

My uncle pete helped me alot with the overall idea for the film so I want to give him a shout out.
One of my closest friends Pete did all the recording and editing which was a ton of work and he's been really apart of this every step of the way.
Angel Ramos let me use his recorder and recorded a segment.... thats it... you get no bigger shout out than this... nah just messing you're cool

Thanks to my other friends who have been really supportive of this whole thing
and thanks for visiting this site I hope you've come away with a little more than when you got here.

Step 1 to making an adventure movie, Cast a lovable yet slightly crazy bear of a man. Give him a machete
Step 2 put him in dangerous situation that makes him look vulnerable and sensiti.... I mean relatable.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First post

Hey all,
I'm not a big fan of these intros, (what are you suppose to say I'm more of a starting a story in the middle kind of guy (if you know what I mean)) but I set up this blog to show people what I've been working on that last couple of months and why I've disappeared from all your lives. I hope to put up some Still frames from shooting and some outtake movies and such. For anyone who stumbled on this site who doesn't really know me I hope these videos will help you get a better feel for who I am. I'm just trying to go on an adventure, make some people laugh, and show some stuff I take pride in.